Deutschland Öl Gemälde Reproduktion, Kein Minimum!


Gemälde ID::  65020
302 x 225 mm National Sz?ch?nyi Library, Budapest The Breviarium was commissioned by Domonkos K?lm?ncsehi, Provost of Sz?kesfeh?rv?r. It was illuminated by Francesco da Castello. Several richly illuminated books survived from the Provost's library. This Breviarium is one of the most beautiful books having 23 full-size decorated pages. The decoration on the pages are closely connected with the lithurgical text. , MINIATURIST, Hungarian , Breviarium , 1451-1500 , Hungarian , illumination , religious




Gemälde ID::  65104
1400 Illumination on parchment Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Cracow On this page of the Breviarium in the initial A the figures of Apostles Peter and Andrew are represented. They can be recognized by their attributes, peter with the key of the Heaven and Andrew with the cross. , MINIATURIST, Polish , Breviarium , 1401-1450 , Polish , illumination , religious




Gemälde ID::  65120
1490s Illumination on parchment Forschungsbibliothek-Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha The decoration of the codex contains the coat-of-arms Ferdinand of Aragonia (1479-1516) and Queen Isabel (1474-1504). In the initial B the kneeling King David wears a Spanish garment. The decorative elements of the page sho Moorish influence. , MINIATURIST, Spanish , Breviarium , 1451-1500 , Spanish , illumination , religious




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